In honor of my Buddy Jesse Reklaw's Birthday, He has asked several friends to do a guest strip for his weekly comic Slow wave. I just met my deadline and finnished mine today, and Jesse gave me permission to share my pencils before its up on the website and in the papers. Jesse will still be coloring the strips, and I cant wait to see how it terns out! Its a very exciting colaboration for me. Jesse is a great friend whom I owe so much to, and its rad to get to do this not just for him, but also with him:)
Making the comic itself was super fun, as I was allowed to include a strange character that shows up in the background of several of the strips that wears a panda mask/hat. I found that this character evoked my awesome brother who, when we were younger wore a panda hat, while I had a brown bear hat, so it felt as though my brother was acting in a comic I drew:) As soon as the strip is officially up and in the world I will post it, so keep your eyez peeled!
Yeah! That looks nice! I can't wait to see the finished piece. I like it when awesome friends collaborate with awesome friends!